Scholarship in the Discipline of Nursing
by Genevieve Gray RN CM MSc(Nsg)(Manch) DipNEd(NSWCN) DipAdvNsgSt(Manch) FCN(UNSW) FRCNA, Roaslie Pratt RN CM DNE(Cumb) BA(Macq) MHPEd(NSW) FNC(NSW) FRCNA
Scholarship in the Discipline of Nursing
by Genevieve Gray RN CM MSc(Nsg)(Manch) DipNEd(NSWCN) DipAdvNsgSt(Manch) FCN(UNSW) FRCNA, Roaslie Pratt RN CM DNE(Cumb) BA(Macq) MHPEd(NSW) FNC(NSW) FRCNA
ISBN 13: 9780443051098
Format: Hardcover
(432 pages)
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Published: 09 Sep 1996
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