Biomedical Engineering Desk Reference
by Buddy D. Ratner,Allan S. Hoffman,Frederick J. Schoen,Jack E. Lemons,Joseph Dyro B.S. Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. Biomedical Electronics Engineering ,Orjan G. Martinsen,Richard Kyle,Bernhard Preim,Dirk Bartz,Sverre Grimnes,Daniel Vallero Dr. Vallero holds a Ph.D. in engineering and a Bachelors in the Earth Sciences and Psychology,John Semmlow,W. Bosseau Murray,Reinaldo Perez,Isaac Bankman,Stanley Dunn,Yoshito Ikada,Prabhas V. Moghe,Alkis Constantinides
Biomedical Engineering Desk Reference
by Buddy D. Ratner,Allan S. Hoffman,Frederick J. Schoen,Jack E. Lemons,Joseph Dyro B.S. Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. Biomedical Electronics Engineering ,Orjan G. Martinsen,Richard Kyle,Bernhard Preim,Dirk Bartz,Sverre Grimnes,Daniel Vallero Dr. Vallero holds a Ph.D. in engineering and a Bachelors in the Earth Sciences and Psychology,John Semmlow,W. Bosseau Murray,Reinaldo Perez,Isaac Bankman,Stanley Dunn,Yoshito Ikada,Prabhas V. Moghe,Alkis Constantinides
ISBN 13: 9780123746467
Format: Hardcover
(816 pages)
Publisher: Academic Press
Published: 16 Feb 2009
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