Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine
by Clive R. W. Edwards MA MD(Cantab) FRCPE FRCP FRSE,Ian A. D. Bouchier CBE MD FRCP FRCPE FFPHM(Hon) FCP(SA) FI(Biol) FRSA FRSE,Christopher Haslett BSc(Hons) FRCPE FRCP,Edwin R. Chilvers BMedSci BMBS PhD FRCPE
Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine
by Clive R. W. Edwards MA MD(Cantab) FRCPE FRCP FRSE,Ian A. D. Bouchier CBE MD FRCP FRCPE FFPHM(Hon) FCP(SA) FI(Biol) FRSA FRSE,Christopher Haslett BSc(Hons) FRCPE FRCP,Edwin R. Chilvers BMedSci BMBS PhD FRCPE
ISBN 13: 9780443049613
Format: Paperback
(1203 pages)
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Published: Aug 1995
Other Format: Paperback
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