Introduction to Critical Care Nursing
by Jeanette Hartshorn I PhD RN FAAN, Deborah Goldenberg Klein MSN RN CCRN CS, Mary Lou Sole PhD RN CCNS CNL FAAN, Marilyn L. Lamborn PhD RN, Marthe J. Moseley PhD RN CCRN CCNS
Introduction to Critical Care Nursing
by Jeanette Hartshorn I PhD RN FAAN, Deborah Goldenberg Klein MSN RN CCRN CS, Mary Lou Sole PhD RN CCNS CNL FAAN, Marilyn L. Lamborn PhD RN, Marthe J. Moseley PhD RN CCRN CCNS
ISBN 13: 9780721662183
Format: Hardcover
(605 pages)
Publisher: Saunders
Published: 17 Feb 1997
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