High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers: 5th International Conference, HiPEAC 2010, Pisa, Italy, January 25-27, 2010, Proceedings: 5952 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
by Yale N. Patt,Pierfrancesco Foglia,Evelyn Duesterwald,Paolo Faraboschi,Xavier Martorell
High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers: 5th International Conference, HiPEAC 2010, Pisa, Italy, January 25-27, 2010, Proceedings: 5952 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
by Yale N. Patt,Pierfrancesco Foglia,Evelyn Duesterwald,Paolo Faraboschi,Xavier Martorell
ISBN 13: 9783642115141
Format: Illustrated
(370 pages)
Publisher: Springer
Published: 20 Jan 2010
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