Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR International Workshop, SSPR & SPR 2008, Orlando, USA, December 4-6, 2008. Proceedings: 5342 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
by Niels Vitoria Lobo, Takis Kasparis, Michael Georgiopoulos, Fabio Roli, James Kwok, Georgios C. Anagnostopoulos, Marco Loog
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR International Workshop, SSPR & SPR 2008, Orlando, USA, December 4-6, 2008. Proceedings: 5342 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
by Niels Vitoria Lobo, Takis Kasparis, Michael Georgiopoulos, Fabio Roli, James Kwok, Georgios C. Anagnostopoulos, Marco Loog
ISBN 13: 9783540896883
Format: Paperback
(1011 pages)
Publisher: Springer
Published: 24 Nov 2008
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