This outstanding reference book series effectively communicates the foreign language basics of grammar, verbs, and vocabulary. Now completely revised and updated, these indispensable guides are ideal for students of all levels, and complement any course, including Berlitz Basic and Berlitz Today.Grammar Handbooks provide a complete overview of syntax, parts of speech, punctuation, and other grammar fundamentals. This all-inclusive resource contains brief discussions, useful explanations, and special sections on potential problem areas such as use of present tense expressing future meaning, and the use of relative pronouns, as well as numerous examples of proper grammar usage.Verb Handbooks explain the rudiments of verb function and structure, from conjugation and word order to tense formation and idiomatic construction. The text includes jargon-free, practical examples that illustrate correct usage, and an index of the 2,500 most frequently used verbs.Vocabulary Handbooks present an extensive pool of words for clear and accurate usage. More than 8,000 key terms and phrases, organized by function and topic and thoroughly cross-referenced, are complemented with illustrative examples, expanded word categories, and helpful review sections to help reinforce and review learned vocabulary.