by Hetty Van de Rijt (Author)
The Wonder Weeks describes in easy-to-understand terms the incredible developmental changes and regression periods that all babies go through during the first 20 months of their lives. Age-related fluctuations and the need for body contact and attention are all related to major and quite dramatic changes in the brains of children. These changes enable a baby to enter a whole new perceptual world and, as a consequence, to learn many new skills. Wonder week by wonder week you'll discover the dates in the first 20 months when all babies take ten major development leaps. Learn how to encourage each leap forward. Help your baby with the three Cs' of fussy behavior: Cranky, Clingy and Crying. Recognize the on-set of stressful times and join your children in coping with them. Based on the scientific- and parental-world-changing discovery of a phenomenon: all normal, healthy babies appear to be more fussy at very nearly the same ages, regression periods, and sleep less in these phases, The Wonder Weeks will help your baby, and you, get the most out of these developmental phases.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 480
Edition: Updated
Publisher: Kiddy World Publishing
Published: 14 Nov 2013
ISBN 10: 9491882007
ISBN 13: 9789491882005