by Ashok Garg (Author)
The third edition of Ocular Therapeutics brings practitioners up to date with the latest advances in ophthalmic drugs. Divided into three sections, the book begins with discussion on the physiology of the eye, drug administration and the fundamental role of ocular therapeutics.
The second section examines the application of ocular therapeutics in ophthalmic surgery for many different disorders and the final section discusses recent advances and future developments.
This new edition has been fully updated with the addition of new drugs and delivery systems, covering all groups of drugs used worldwide in different clinical conditions of the eye.
Written by recognised international experts, many from the USA, the book is presented in an easy to read format and includes nearly 430 well-illustrated colour figures, tables, flow diagrams and chemical formulas.
Key points
Format: Illustrated
Pages: 1094
Edition: 3rd edition
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
Published: 31 Mar 2013
ISBN 10: 9350903202
ISBN 13: 9789350903209