BUSINESS AS USUAL? FUNK THAT The gospel of the new thinking is Funky Business - Industry Standard Funky Business is a better book than most novels but it is not for bedtime. It will jerk you out of your complacency and make you question your very existence. It will transform your brain. - Customer Management ...the duo launch into a poweful critique of new business realities. This is not what business people learned at Harvard Business School . The launch of their book, Funky Business, may mark Nordstrum and Ridderstrale's promotion to the major guru league. Move it. In 1995, 1000 new soft drinks were launched on the Japanese market. A year later, 1% of them were still for sale. Move it fast. If you are driving a 1990 model car, approximately six years were spent developing it. Today, most companies do that job in two years. Move it faster. At Hewlett Packard, the majority revenues come from products that did not exist a year age. Move it now. In Tokyo, you can order a customized Toyota on Monday and be driving it on Friday. More products, more markets, more people, more competition.In a world of abundance and excess, competition is total and competition is personal.
Difference rules.If you think about it, most of what your business does could be bought from someone else using the Yellow Pages or an Internet search engine. How are you going to be attractive? By being more efficient? By doing it cheaper? Come on! This is the age of time and talent, where we are selling time and talent, exploiting time and talent, hiring time and talent, packaging time and talent. Today, the critical resources wear shoes and walk out the door around 5.30pm every day. Karl Marx was right; the workers should own the critical means of production - it's small, gray and weighs about 1.3 kilograms. It will move markets and it will make capital dance. Only talent will allow you to be unique, to escape business as usual. In this world we need business as unusual. We need innovative business. We need unpredictable business. We need Funky Business. This is business book as unusual. Funky Business gives a unique, informed and defiantly Funky perspective on the new world order. It is the antidote to bland writing and bland thinking. Tom Peters Funky Business - the groovy bible of modern business philosophy Red magazine