by V.K.Sharma (Adapter), H.P.Garg (Adapter), A . A . M Sayigh (Adapter), G . Furlan (Adapter), M . Dayal (Adapter)
The 'fuel crises' in 1972-73 generated world wide effort f6r the search for an Alternative Energy source to fossil fuels. Solar energy waS identified as one of the alternatives to fossil fuels. On one hand the developed countries are trying to maintain their standard of living while the developing countries are trying to solve their industrial, social and economical problems to increase their standard of living. After this period a lot of Research and Development in the field of solar energ'y was carried out both in developing and developed countries and solar energy i. utilized in domestic, agricultural and indvstrial sectors and also in the space. During the period of "Oil Crises" industrialized countries expended their activities in solar energy and substantial progress was made. In f. ew developing countries seperate funding in the field of solar energy R&D was also provided through national and international, organizations. Time has now come when one should . eriously look into the problems and screen, select, adapt, and manage emerging solar energy technology for its use in developing countries. Also the International Organizations will have to play a major role in this direction which may assist building up of a local Solar energy' R&D and manufacturing capabilities in developing countries which should be based ori a long term but on necessary basis.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 628
Publisher: Springer
Published: 31 Dec 1987
ISBN 10: 9027725586
ISBN 13: 9789027725585