by StaatlicheMuseenZuBerlin (Author)
Imagine 365 masterpieces of art from around the world at your fingertips. That's what readers will find as they turn the pages day after day to discover a full-page exquisitely reproduced painting, artifact, photograph, drawing, print or sculpture from every culture and epoch imaginable. Further enhancing these pages are suitable quotations to ponder, surprise, and delight. Opposite the color illustrations, this generously proportioned volume offers plenty of space to record, birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates as well as personal notes and reflections. The range and quality of the pieces featured here will satisfy the aesthetic appetites of the most discerning appreciator of art and will offer inspiration every day of the year.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 736
Publisher: Prestel
Published: 31 Oct 2008
ISBN 10: 3791340743
ISBN 13: 9783791340746