by Boaz Patt - Shamir (Editor), TinazEkim (Editor)
The Colloquium on Structure, Information, Communication, and Complexity (SIROCCO) is devoted to the study of communication and knowledge in mul- processorsystemsfromboththe qualitativeandquantitativeviewpoints.Special emphasis is given to innovative approaches and fundamental understanding, in addition to e?orts to optimize current designs. SIROCCO has a traditionof interesting and productive scienti?c meetings in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, attracting leading researchersin a variety of ?elds in which communication and knowledge play a signi?cant role. Consistent with this tradition, the 17th SIROCCO meeting was held in Turkey, in the ? picturesque Nesin Mathematics Village, S ,irince, Izmir, during June 7-11 2010. Thirty-seven papers were submitted to SIROCCO 2010. All papers und- went a thorough peer-review process, where each submission was reviewed by three to six reviewers. The reviews were the basis of the Program Committee deliberations,whichresultedinselecting 19 contributionsfor presentationatthe colloquium and publication in this volume. The presentations in this volume also include the abstract of an invited talk on communication complexity, given by Eyal Kushilevitz. We thank the authors of all the submitted papers, the Program Committee members, and the external reviewers. Without their dedication, we could not have prepared a program of such quality. We wouldalsolike to thank the SIROCCOSteering Committee Chair,Pierre Fraigniaud, for his energy and leadership in making this conference happen. Lastbutnotleast,wewouldlike tothankthe localarrangementspeoplefrom Nesin Mathematics Village, notably Asl? Can Korkmaz and the many students who volunteered on the organization team, for their invaluable help.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 273
Edition: 1st Edition.
Publisher: Springer
Published: 21 May 2010
ISBN 10: 3642132839
ISBN 13: 9783642132834