Hybrid Metaheuristics: 6th International Workshop, HM 2009 Udine, Italy, October 16-17, 2009 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues)

Hybrid Metaheuristics: 6th International Workshop, HM 2009 Udine, Italy, October 16-17, 2009 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues)

by Christian Blum (Editor), Maria José Blesa Aguilera (Editor), Andrea Schaerf (Editor), Michael Sampels (Editor), Andrea Roli (Editor), Luca Gaspero (Editor)


The International Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics was established with the aim of providing researchers and scholars with a forum for discussing new ideas and research on metaheuristics and their integration with techniques typical of other ?elds. The papers accepted for the sixth workshop con?rm that such a combination is indeed e?ective and that several research areas can be put together.Slowlybut surely,thisprocesshasbeen promotingproductivedialogue amongresearcherswithdi?erentexpertiseanderodingbarriersbetweenresearch areas. The papers in this volume give a representativesample of current researchin hybrid metaheuristics. It is worth emphasizing that this year, a large number of papers demonstrated how metaheuristics can be integrated with integer linear programmingandotheroperationsresearchtechniques.Constraintprogramming is also featured, which is a notable representative of arti?cial intelligence solving methods. Most of these papers are not only a proof of concept - which can be valuable by itself - but also show that the hybrid techniques presented tackle di?cult and relevant problems. In keeping with the tradition of this workshop, special care was exercised in the review process: out of 22 submissions received, 12 papers were selected on the basis of reviews by the Program Committee members and evaluations by the Program Chairs. Reviews were in great depth: reviewers sought to p- vide authors with constructive suggestions for improvement. Special thanks are extended to the Program Committee members who devoted their time and - fort. Special gratitude is due to Andrea Lodi and Vittorio Maniezzo, who both accepted our invitation to give an overview talk.



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More Information

Format: Paperback
Pages: 179
Edition: 1
Publisher: Springer
Published: 29 Sep 2009

ISBN 10: 3642049176
ISBN 13: 9783642049170