MEGADESIGN and MegaOpt - German Initiatives for Aerodynamic Simulation and Optimization in Aircraft Design: Results of the closing symposium of the ... Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design)

MEGADESIGN and MegaOpt - German Initiatives for Aerodynamic Simulation and Optimization in Aircraft Design: Results of the closing symposium of the ... Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design)

by KlausBecker (Editor), NorbertKroll (Editor), Frank Thiele (Editor), HerbertRieger (Editor), Dieter Schwamborn (Editor)


Over the last decade, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become a - ture technology for the development of new products in aeronautical industry. Aerodynamic design engineers have progressively taken advantage of the pos- bilities o?ered by the numericalsolutionof the Reynolds averagedNavier-Stokes (RANS) equations. Signi?cant improvements in physical modeling and solution algorithms as well as the enormous increase of computer power enable hi- ?delity numerical simulations in all stages of aircraft development. In Germany, the national CFD project MEGAFLOW furthered the dev- opment and availability of RANS solvers for the prediction of complex ?ow problemssigni?cantly. MEGAFLOWwasinitiated by the?rstaviationresearch programoftheFederalGovernmentin1995undertheleadershipoftheDLR(see Kroll, N. , Fassbender, J. K. (Eds). : MEGAFLOW - Numerical Flow Simulation for Aircraft Design; Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Volume 89, Springer, 2005). A network from aircraft industry, DLR and several universities was created with the goal to focus and direct development activities for numerical ?ow simulation towards a common aerodynamic si- lation system providing both a block-structured (FLOWer-Code) and a hybrid (TAU-Code) parallel ? ow prediction capability. Today, both codes have reached a high level of maturity and reliability. They are routinely used at DLR and German aeronautic industry for a wide range of aerodynamic applications. For many universities the MEGAFLOW software represents a platform for the - provementofphysicalmodelsandfortheinvestigationofcomplex?owproblems. The network was established as an e?cient group of very closely co-operating partners with supplementing expertises and experience.



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More Information

Format: Hardcover
Pages: 314
Edition: 1
Publisher: Springer
Published: 30 Sep 2009

ISBN 10: 3642040926
ISBN 13: 9783642040924