by Andre Klump (Editor), Christine Felbeck (Editor), Christine Felbeck (Editor), Andre Klump (Editor)
Con unos 20 articulos de investigadores/-as de Europa, de los Estados Unidos y de la Republica Dominicana, la presente obra interdisciplinaria e internacional ofrece un panorama actual de la investigacion sobre la dominicanidad como concepto (trans-)nacional en sus contextos mundiales, insulares y nacionales. Los estudios son fruto en gran parte de un congreso organizado por el America Romana Centrum (ARC) de la Universidad de Trier en el ano 2014.
With about 20 articles from researchers from Europe, the United States and the Dominican Republic, this interdisciplinary and international volume offers a current panorama of the research on dominicanity as a (trans-)national concept in global, insular and national contexts. The studies are largely a result of a congress organized by the America Romana Centrum (ARC) of the University of Trier in 2014.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 388
Edition: New edition
Publisher: Peter Lang AG
Published: 22 Dec 2016
ISBN 10: 3631673213
ISBN 13: 9783631673218
Christine Felbeck es profesora titular de Literaturas Romanicas y la directora del America Romana Centrum (ARC) de la Universidad de Trier.
Andre Klump es profesor catedratico de Linguistica Romanica y el presidente del centro.
Christine Felbeck is an Assistant Professor for Romance Literatures and the Director of the America Romana Centrum (ARC) at the University of Trier.
Andre Klump is a Full Professor for Romance Linguistics and the President of the Center.