by Antonio M . Magalhaes (Author), David Rodrigues (Author), WolfBloemers (Editor), StephenR.Stoer (Author), Fritz - Helmut Wisch (Editor)
This book approaches the problematic of social exclusion by way of the analysis of the symbiotic pair social exclusion/social inclusion. Its main concern is the problematisation of this pair in different contexts (both social, cultural and educational and at the local, national and supranational levels) through an analysis of five of the sites - body, work, citizenship, identity and territory - upon which social exclusion/inclusion makes its impact. Thus, an inductive approach to theories on social exclusion (and social inclusion) is developed through the study of their real effects on individuals, groups and society on the basis of three socio-cultural paradigms, namely, traditional societies, modern societies and emerging post-modern societies. Este livro aborda a problematica da exclusao social atraves da analise do par simbiotico exclusao social/inclusao social. A sua preocupacao central consiste na problematizacao desse par conceptual em diferentes contextos (sociais, culturais e educationais aos niveis local, nacional e supranacional) atraves de uma analise dos lugares - corpo, trabalho, cidadania, identidade e territorio - sobre os quais a exclusao social/inclusao social tem efectivos impactos. Assim, desenvolve-se, de forma indutiva, uma abordagem das teorias sobre a exclusao social (e, e claro, da inclusao social) atraves do estudo dos seus efeitos reais sobre os individuos, grupos e sociedade com base nos tres paradigmas socioculturais, quer dizer, o das sociedades tradicionais, o das sociedades modernas e o das emergentes sociedades pos-modernas.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 272
Edition: Bilingual
Publisher: Peter Lang GmbH
Published: 01 Jul 2003
ISBN 10: 3631509235
ISBN 13: 9783631509234