by PeterJarvis (Editor), Franz Poggeler (Editor), Peter Jarvis (Editor), Franz Poggeler (Editor)
This book contains papers from well known European scholars in the field of adult education about the developments that are occurring in their countries, especially in relation to the modernity/post-modernity question in Western Europe. The book opens with a general overview of the field by Franz Poeggeler which is followed by ten accounts of adult education in both Eastern and Western Europe. The final paper, by Peter Jarvis, shows how difficult it is to develop comparative adult education. Even so, the book extends previous studies of adult education in Europe and it can be regarded as a sequel to Jarvis' previous work in this area.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 155
Edition: 1
Publisher: Peter Lang GmbH
Published: 01 Sep 1994
ISBN 10: 363147458X
ISBN 13: 9783631474587