by RandolfKlingebiel (Author), Florian Connolly (Author), Jens-Eric Rohl (Author), StephanSchreiber (Author), JoseManuelValduezaBarrios (Author), Jens-EricRohl (Author), Stephan Schreiber (Author), Randolf Klingebiel (Author), Jose Manuel Valdueza Barrios (Author)
This is probably the best new and updated book available on the neurosonology and neuroimaging of stroke to add to your medical library. -- BIZ INDIA
HIGHLY COMMENDED by the BMA Medical Book Awards for Neurology!
Neurosonology is a first-line modality in the diagnosis and management of cerebrovascular disease and especially of stroke. In this new edition of Neurosonology and Neuroimaging of Stroke, this noninvasive, realtime imaging method has been given expanded coverage, particularly for its clinical utility.
As in the first edition, the new edition offers both a clear overview of the principles of neurosonology and a casebook exploring critical cerebrovascular problems. Ultrasound anatomy, technical aspects of clinical application, and the advantages and limitations of ultrasound are reviewed and contrasted to conventional, magnetic resonance, and computed tomography angiography. Forty-five selected cases from the authors' extensive collections at Charite - Universitatsmedizin Berlin and the Center of Neurology in Bad Segeberg, Germany, are then discussed. The patient histories and working diagnoses are followed by detailed assessments of the extra- and intracranial color-coded duplex sonographic findings and additional diagnostic procedures. The relevant clinical aspects are presented in a compact, comprehensible way, and for the majority of the cases videos are available in the Thieme MediaCenter, providing further in-depth understanding of the full potential of the method.
Neurosonology and Neuroimaging of Stroke, Second Edition, offers neurologists, neuroradiologists, and all physicians treating patients with cerebrovascular disease an authoritative introduction and guide to this powerful diagnostic tool.
Format: Illustrated
Pages: 768
Edition: 2nd edition
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
Published: 10 Feb 2017
ISBN 10: 3131418729
ISBN 13: 9783131418722