Prophecy in the Book of Jeremiah: 388 (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft)

Prophecy in the Book of Jeremiah: 388 (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft)

by HansM.Barstad (Editor), ReinhardKratz (Editor)


This volume contains the proceedings of a Symposium Prophecy in the Book of Jeremiah , arranged by the Edinburgh Prophecy Network in the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh, 11-12 May 2007. Prophetic studies are undergoing radical changes at the moment, following the breakdown of a methodological consensus in humanities and biblical studies. One of the challenges today concerns the question how to deal with history ina post-modern age. The French Annales School and narrative theory have contributed toward changing the intellectual climate of biblical studies dramatically. Whereas the historical Jeremiah was formerly believed to be hidden under countless additions and interpretations, and changed beyond recognition, it was still assumed that it would be possible to recover the real prophet with the tools of historical critical methods. However, according to a majority of scholars today, the recovery of the historical Jeremiah is no longer possible. For this reason, we have to seek new and multimethodological approaches to the study of prophecy, including diachronic and synchronic methods. The Meeting in Edinburgh in 2007 gathered specialists in prophetic studies from Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and the USA, focusing on different aspects of the prophet Jeremiah. Prophetic texts from the whole Hebrew Bible and ancient Near Eastern prophecy are taken into consideration.



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More Information

Format: Hardcover
Pages: 290
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter & Co
Published: Oct 2009

ISBN 10: 3110205068
ISBN 13: 9783110205060

Author Bio
Hans Barstad, The University of Edinburgh, UK; Reinhard G. Kratz, Georg-August-Universitat Goettingen, Germany.