Find out how a green approach helps you to have a natural, comfortable and rewarding pregnancy, leading to a happy, healthy baby. This authoritative guide by health and childcare expert Claire Gillman will tell mothers-to-be all they need to know about having a safe, green pregnancy. The first chapter, 'Nurture and Care', is a practical guide to keeping yourself well during your pregnancy. 'Nutrition During Pregnancy' takes a close look at the optimum diet when 'eating for two', including pregnancy superfoods, supplements, and dealing with cravings and weight gain. 'Healthy Home/Office Environment' covers your baby's nursery and natural pregnancy clothing, plus green housekeeping and pollutants to avoid. 'Prenatal Care & Your Growing Baby' reviews how to choose a provider/caregiver, prenatal check-ups, screening and testing, and natural birth classes. 'Natural Therapies' explores suitable, safe methods, while Health and Healing offers a natural approach to treating and preventing common pregnancy conditions such as morning sickness, sore breasts and fatigue.
Finally, 'Natural Birth Options' offers advice on home births, greener hospital options, hypnobirthing, doulas and natural pain relief.