by Anthony Clay (Author)
Grant making trusts exist solely to give money away to good causes. They contribute up to one-fifth of the total voluntary income of UK charities. Despite recent improvements in professionalism amongst fundraisers trustees still receive blanket appeals, requests for support for projects that are clearly outside the defined objects of the trust or located in a geographical area that holds a low priority for the trust with the result that the great majority of approaches meet with rejection or no response at all. The First Edition of this book appeared nearly 10 years ago, since when we have experienced some remarkable changes in the fortunes of grant-making trusts, in the availability of new electronic methods of gathering data about trusts and in communicating with them. In this new edition we outline a variety of approaches to grant-making trusts that will save trustees' time and ensure greater success for fundraisers
Format: Paperback
Pages: 151
Edition: 2nd Revised edition
Publisher: Directory of Social Change
Published: 15 Feb 2011
ISBN 10: 1906294518
ISBN 13: 9781906294519