Pregnant women and new mothers have a lot on their minds, and research into what they should or shouldn't be eating is often the last thing on the list. So having an authoritative guide to keep mother and baby supplied with the right nutrients can seriously help make nine months of pregnancy, and the first few weeks of infancy, a great deal more relaxed and enjoyable. The Complete Pregnancy Cookbook does just that, addressing the real concerns of mothers-to-be, such as: which foods are best for baby, which foods to avoid, and how to strike a balance between the two. The Complete Pregnancy Cookbook is split into three parts. Part One, Essential Facts covers key information on mother and baby nutrition in an attractive, accessible and easy-to-digest way. It includes the latest information on dietary supplements, best sources of nutrients, food-borne infections, and the advisability of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Part Two, Menu Plans , looks in depth at nutritional requirements and likely food-related problems for each stage of pregnancy.
There are plenty of nutritional tips plus special box features including ideas on what to do when you may not feel like eating through sickness, fatigue and aversions. There is also guidance on changing the dietary requirements necessary to support breast-feeding and a quick return to your pre-pregnant shape. Part Three contains over 100 delicious dishes, specially devised for expectant and new mothers. Recipes come in the mouth-watering categories of snacks, light lunches and suppers, main meals, vegetable and side dishes, and desserts and bakes. Specially commissioned photographs accompany these quick and easy to prepare meals, as does additional information on nutritional benefits and suitability details for those with special dietary requirements. The Complete Pregnancy Cookbook is the ideal kitchen companion for all pregnant women. It is comprehensive yet easy to understand and will make meal planning and shopping easier, while also easing worries about whether your diet is good enough - a must for all expectant and new mothers.