Melanie Phillips' controversial and best-selling book predicted further attacks by British citizens, was published a month and a half before the arrests of 10 August. While public debate is being stifled for various reasons explained in her book - which itself was turned down for three years by publishers in Britain - Londonistan has proved that there is a massive demand from the public who want to understand what is happening to Britain and why ostensibly well-balanced and well-integrated citizens are turning on their country. In this fully updated edition, she argues that despite 9/11, despite 7/7, despite 10/8 the British Establishment is still refusing to act and curb the mechanisms, people and influences that spawn extremism. In addition, following the revelation that a woman was involved in the prevented 10/8 suicide attacks, she looks at the role of women in British terrorism and how women are not doing enough to help fight home-grown terrorism.
While new UK terrorist plots, such as the Glasgow Airport attack, continue to be hatched, Londonistan has to-date sold 35,000 copies in the UK. In this newly expanded edition, Melanie Phillips updates her bestselling account with the latest disturbing development - the female terrorist such as the lyrical terrorist who worked at Heathrow. Even after three years, the British establishment - both the government and public leaders such as Rowan Williams, the archbishop of Canterbury - continue to give a free pass to the radical groups that kindle the flames of home-grown terrorism.
When London was hit by British suicide bombers, the secret was finally out. Under the noses of the British government, parliament, intelligence services and police, Britain has become the European hub for the promotion, recruitment and financing of Islamist terror and extremism. Terrorists have used it to plot, finance, recruit and train for atrocities throughout the world, and now also at home. Such is the scale of these operations that Britain is referred to as 'Londonistan' by anti-terrorist specialists abroad. How could this happen? In this ground-breaking analysis, Melanie Phillips interviews key politicians, Muslims, academics and intelligence experts. She uncovers a persistent state of denial by the British establishment both on the left and right. In universities, the historical context of Islamitic texts is no longer taught. 'Londonistan' has become a country within the country that is growing in strength. Its radical demands are being appeased by multiculturalism rather than challenged by common sense. Melanie Phillips compellingly argues that Britain should face up to the threat to its way of life. The picture she paints of modern Britain is a forceful warning not to subscribe to the false causes of religious radicalism that have misled us so far.