Designed to help the curious newcomer gain a clear understanding of complementary healthcare, Health Essentials is a series of practical books which give the facts you need to know about natural therapies and describe how they work for you. Exceptionally clear and concise, each text is complemented by attractive illustrations. Acupuncture is a holistic therapy which originated in China over 5000 years ago and is now widely practised in the Western world. By inserting very fine needles into specific points on the body, or by burning a herb called moxa on these points, the life force or 'Qi' in the body is stimulated, enabling it to return to health, balance and harmony in body, mind and spirit. In this comprehensive guide, you can learn:- The history and philosophical basis of Chinese medicine; How acupuncture is used as a preventive medicine; How an acupuncturist makes a diagnosis and what to expect in the treatment room; The difference between acupuncture and its system of diagnosis and Western medicine