Mums in hot pants, Dads in 'far too close for comfort' figure-hugging white bell-bottoms, teenage girls in velour jumpsuits, and children subjected to cruel knitting experiments: oh yes, we remember the Seventies. And now with all the smugness of someone who has just managed to burn all photographic evidence of their own fashion mistakes, we can sit back and contemplate some of the outfits that were consciously selected and worn in public. We're not talking about dodgy-looking punks or TV gangsta's with aviator shades and wide lapels, they were retro-cool, these are the fashion misfits who were caught in a moment...and couldn't quite get out. Why did the 1970s become the decade that style forgot? Was it the comedown from all the drugs taken during the Sixties? Did one person's madness become a case of the Emperor's new clothes? Muse on these fundamental questions as you sit back and enjoy this tribute to one of fashion's bleakest, but certainly most entertaining, periods.