This title contains over 4000 entries describing the origin and significance of mythological beings, legendary figures, and events from an extensive range of cultures and ages. At the time of publication in 1870 of the original Dictionary of Phrase and Fable , on which this work is based, there was little interest in or knowledge of the texts, religions and mythology of Eastern, and Far Eastern cultures, which were largely dismissed as heathen or pagan . Even less were the tribal cultures of Oceania, Africa, and the American Indians accepted; they were then considered savage or primitive . It is particularly in these areas that substantial additions have been made to Brewer's text. Since his time, the world has shrunk, and we as humans have discovered the importance and significance of the worldwide range of mythologies and legends, and have a deeper understanding of their unty and diversity. Gods and goddesses, rites and beliefs from religions and cults, fabulous beasts, spirits and monsters are all explained, helping us understand why these symbols and traditions persist and illuminate even in modern cultures.
Alphabetically ordered, this book contains over 4000 entries which describe the origins and significance of mythological beings and legendary figures and events from a range of cultures and ages. The breadth of coverage includes: gods and goddesses from the major world faiths; legends, rites and beliefs from religions and cults from all ages of mankind; sprites, spirits and monsters from folklores of ancient civilizations in Eastern and Western Europe, and from the Americas and Australasia; fabulous beasts, birds, insects and fish featuring in the iconography or animism of diverse cultures; and legendary characters and fabled events from the literary traditions of many nations, including anonymous sources in folk tales, nursery rhymes, ghost stories. It is aimed at the general reader and at students of anthropology, sociology, history, comparative religion, folklore and literature.