Gardeners' Question Time: Techniques and Tips for Gardeners (BBC Radio 4)
by Anne Swithinbank (Author), Bob Flowerdew (Author), Anne Swithinbank (Author), Matthew Biggs (Author), Bob Flowerdew (Author), Matthew Biggs (Author), John Cushnie (Author), Matthew Biggs (Author)
GQT Gardening Techniques brings together the wisdom - and wit - of four of the Gardeners' Question Time panellists, providing novice gardeners and experienced amateurs alike with advice on everything from planting to pruning, from building a pond to lining a hanging basket. With copious experience of listening to gardeners' questions, the panellists anticipate every necessity of the gardening calendar and every stage in the process of reaching your garden's full potential. Encouraging you to clear sites for ponds and raised beds, propagate from seed, grow hothouse exotica, rejuvenate plants with pruning, protect against infestation and much, much more, this store of professional tips and techniques will make you an expert in no time. Throughout the book, the voices of the authors can be clearly heard, making this not only a valuable reference, but a personal, often opinionated conversation with some of Britain's favourite gardeners.
More than perhaps any programme GQT embodies the essence of Radio Four. For over 50 years it has been at, or near, the top of the radio charts. Recordings attract dedicated audiences of between 250 and 750 depending on the size of the venue. ALL YOUR GARDENING PROBLEMS SOLVED is a collection of the most asked questions from 50 years of broadcasting. These have been divided into five sections: Trees, Shrubs & Herbaceous, Houseplants, Fruit and Vegetables, Garden Design and Pests & Diseases. It contains over 350 answers, written especially for this book, and gives sound practical advice on virtually any problem that might arise in your garden.
More than perhaps any programme GQT embodies the essence of Radio Four. For over 50 years it has been at, or near the top of, the radio charts and now draws 1.3 million listeners each week and broadcasts 45 programmes each year. Recordings attract dedicated audiences of between 250 and 750 - depending on the size of the venue. The GQT 'millennium' programme was a compilation of the top ten most asked questions over 50 years (the number one question is 'how can I control slugs in the garden'). When researching this programme it appeared that over the years there are just 400 or so questions or variants of questions which cover 95 percent of all the those asked. The book will be a compilation of these questions and answers. Section one will be the top ten, followed by five sections: Pests & Diseases, Fruit, Veg, Ornamentals, Trees & Shrubs with the 80 most asked questions in each. The answers keep the chatty style of the show but incorporate appropriate specialist information, organic alternatives from Bob Flowerdew, pest treatments from Pippa Greenwood, design tips from Nigel Colborn and so on.
The book will be illustrated with line drawings and colour photographs to illustrate diseases and techniques and each Q&A will take up between half page and two pages. There will be a comprehensive cross reference index - in the manner of our 'Trade Secrets' book.
GQT Gardening Techniques brings together the wisdom - and wit - of four of the Gardeners' Question Time panellists, providing novice gardeners and experienced amateurs alike with advice on everything from planting to pruning, from building a pond to lining a hanging basket. With copious experience of listening to gardeners' questions, the panellists anticipate every necessity of the gardening calendar and every stage in the process of reaching your garden's full potential. Encouraging you to clear sites for ponds and raised beds, propagate from seed, grow hothouse exotica, rejuvenate plants with pruning, protect against infestation and much, much more, this store of professional tips and techniques will make you an expert in no time. Throughout the book, the voices of the authors can be clearly heard, making this not only a valuable reference, but a personal, often opinionated conversation with some of Britain's favourite gardeners.