The Most Amazing Youtube Dog Videos Ever!: 120 of the coolest, craziest and funniest Internet doggy clips

The Most Amazing Youtube Dog Videos Ever!: 120 of the coolest, craziest and funniest Internet doggy clips

by Adrian Besley (Author)


When Sylwester Wardega, a Polish YouTuber, decided to dress his dog Chica in an oversized spider costume and 'unleash' her on unsuspecting passers-by in his home town, an Internet phenomenon was born. The so-called 'Mutant Giant Spider Dog' was one of the most popular videos on YouTube in 2014 - some achievement when you know that more than 1 billion unique users visit the video sharing site each month. The Most Amazing YouTube Dog Videos Ever! is a celebration of Chica and all the other canine celebrities that delight YouTube users across the world. It brings together the most adorable and moving examples of this unstoppable online trend in one carefully curated collection. Including 120 clips, with each entry carrying a QR code, the reader is instantly guided to the most rewarding YouTube dog clips. From global viral hits to hidden gems and the most creative spins on this ever-evolving new genre, this is the perfect gift for dog video fanatics and newbies alike.


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More Information

Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
Publisher: Welbeck Publishing
Published: 10 Sep 2015

ISBN 10: 1853759422
ISBN 13: 9781853759420

Author Bio
Adrian Besley is a celebrated writer and his books include The Dangerous Book for Idiots, How to Fart at School, You Don't Know... Jack Schitt and the bestselling The Retrosexual Manual: How to be a Real Man. He is also the author of The Best of YouTube and the bestselling The Most Amazing YouTube Videos Ever! and The Most Awesome YouTube Videos Ever!