Endorsed by the Criminal Law Committee of the Law Society, this book is likely to form the basis of quality standards for the Criminal Litigation service, the accreditation of duty solicitors and contracting by solicitors with the Criminal Defence Service. It helps solicitors to adapt the way in which they work as a result of major changes including the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998, and the latest Legal Aid Board franchise quality assurance standards. Covering the youth, magistrates' and Crown Courts, the guide helps solicitors to obtain information, encourages them to prepare cases early and explains the factors which should be considered at each stage of the case when advising the client. It includes practical advice on: - managing the practice - managing the case - vulnerable clients - costs and appeals. The guide also contains essential reference material including the National Mode of Trial Guidelines; the Code for Crown Prosecutors; copies of forms for use by solicitors; and extracts from the European convention of Human Rights.