by RupertMatthews (Author), Bernard Long (Illustrator)
As part of the Great Mysteries series this book presents the topic of monsters through colour artwork and photographs, and text which assesses the evidence and invites readers to draw their own conclusions. It provides young readers with an introduction to some of the world's great monster mysteries tracing attempts to prove the existence of creatures like the Loch Ness monster, from early sightings through photographic documentation to advanced scientific probes. In addition to more familiar monsters such as the yeti, the author describes Africa's mokele-mbembe and the Brazilian sucuriju. Each sighting is reconstructed both textually and visually and the likelihood of existence assessed. Scientific evidence is balanced by the reminder that scientists have made wrongful dismissals in the past. The author has a particular interest in mysterious phenomena and historical subjects. He has written more than eighty books, many of them for children. The artist has illustrated well over a hundred books, his specialist subjects being natural history and the world of monsters.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 48
Publisher: Hodder Wayland
Published: 12 Oct 1988
ISBN 10: 185210354X
ISBN 13: 9781852103545