by RobFrost (Editor)
Looking at the issue of Christian freedom in the UK from different perspectives. Christians must become more outspoken. We must challenge the popular trends which are unbiblical and dangerous although it may lead us into conflict with societal structures and legal authorities. Just because we are a minority does not mean that we're excluded from the rights of any minority group within a pluralist society. Perhaps, then, it's time to defend our freedoms. For in the babble of voices claiming 'justice' for their faith community or sexual orientation the Christian church has often been silent. We have an historic right of freedom of speech and we should be able to proclaim the uniqueness of Jesus Christ without hindrance. The theme running behind this book's contributions is that people are sensing a diminution of their basic Christian freedoms. Freedom Fighters affirms the importance of other groups to their 'rights' but shows that there must always be a balance in preserving society's freedoms.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
Edition: Reprint.
Publisher: Authentic Media
Published: 01 Apr 2005
ISBN 10: 1850786135
ISBN 13: 9781850786139