As we tumble headlong into the second decade of the third millennium, we are in a refreshing era of unprecedented freedom of the sexes to be whatever we want to be, in defiance of fusty old gender stereotypes. But while the women revel in ruling the boardroom, the men make magic in the kitchen, and everyone does rather unusual things in the bedroom, all of this freedom does have its downside: without understanding the fundamental differences between the genders, we're in for an era of dire confusion when it comes to living with the other half of humanity. It's simply no secret that women simply don't get why men don't get them. It's even less of a secret to men that women are simply unfathomable. From Men are From Mars and Women are from Venus to Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps the differences have been trumpeted. But let's face it: in this new liberated and singularly open age there are so many more ways women and men can misunderstand each other. But don't furrow your brow. Jean Hannah Edelstein is here to lead you through the perplexing questions of what it means to be a man or a woman and to live with men and women in the twenty-first century. With a spectacular talent for unpicking social trends, Edelstein draws equally on experiential and anecdotal evidence, as well as the latest scientific studies, delivering a witty, edgy and definitive manual - dare we also say womanual - to understanding your partner/husband/ boyfriend/girlfriend and any permutations thereof. So let us say goodbye John Gray, au revoir Alan and Barbara Pease, and welcome, if you please, a fresh new expert on men and women: Jean Hannah Edelstein.