Praise for the previous edition: 'This is a text that should accompany every student teacher of English and find its way on to the shelf of all practising teachers. This book excited me. It is written in a style that makes you want to try out activities and take up challenges. This book will encourage the student teacher to embrace the subject of English along with its associated values and debates' - ESCalate. 'If I was training to teach English today, this is the book I would want - an extraordinarily professional handbook of good practice ' - Geoff Barton, Times Educational Supplement, Teacher Magazine . This essential companion for aspiring secondary English teachers has been extensively reworked to help students meet the very latest professional and academic standards, while also equipping them with the knowledge and skills they will need for the beginning of their teaching career. Focusing on the essentials needed to be a successful English teacher, the authors combine subject knowledge with ideas, examples and approaches for creating an effective, vibrant learning environment, and real examples of lesson plans and schemes of work.
Each chapter clearly links practice to theoretical and critical perspectives on teaching, making this an ideal text for students working towards M-level credits or a Masters in Teaching and Learning. There are also brand new chapters which explore in greater depth specific areas of contention and challenging issues, including: diversities, including global perspectives on teaching English; the application and implications of using ICT; multi-agency provision in personalising learning; research methodologies; and transition from the training year and the first year as a teacher. The latest requirements for Qualified Teacher Status are clearly signposted throughout, and activities at the end of each chapter help to reinforce knowledge and encourage reflection. Written by a team of highly respected authors, this new edition should be on every secondary English student's bookshelf.
'I could not help but admire the breadth and scope of this text. This is a book I would recommend to all, no matter what route they take to train as a teacher of English. It is aimed at secondary teachers but would be equally useful for those preparing to teach in further education. Not only does it provide concise and balanced accounts of key pedagogic issues, it also includes a range of interesting and engaging lesson suggestions. This book does cover a lot of ground with excellent chapters on planning, assessment, teaching reading and teaching poetry. This is a text that should accompany every student teacher of English and find its way on to the shelf of all practising teachers. This book excited me. It is written in a style that makes you want to try out activities and take up challenges. This book will encourage the student teacher to embrace the subject of English along with its associated values and debates' - ESCalate. Read the full review as posted on the ESCalate website, the Education Subject Centre for the Higher Education Academy. 'If I was training to teach English today, this is the book I would want - an extraordinarily professional handbook of good practice.
Compiled by a team of university lecturers, it admirably demonstrates the way theory and practice can combine to illuminate the carried demands of being and English Teacher today' - Geoff Barton, Times Educational Supplement , Teacher Magazine . 'I was most impressed! Anyone following the modules as they are would learn a huge amount and benefit so much from them' - Donna Bryant, Deputy Head, Camborne School and Community College, Cornwall. 'The activities were both challenging and rewarding...These would be useful and would promote self-reflection and the notions of personal progression and goal setting for the student' - Alan Jones Assistant Headteacher, Simon Langton Boys' School, Canterbury. This is a complete guide to how to become a successful teacher of English in secondary school. The book enables readers to design a tailor-made programme to suit their individual needs as a student teacher. Either the learner or the tutor can select or combine units and activities, and there is no assumption of prior knowledge. This book is based on innovative teaching material developed by four institutions of higher education, which has been used to develop student teachers.
Based on proven teaching success, and the authors' own experiences of teaching English in secondary schools, the book's key features include: full coverage of the Revised Standards for Qualified Teacher Status, including creative approaches to delivering the framework for teaching English for years 7, 8 and 9; the cultural, historical, social and political models which support the English teaching curriculum; English teaching for the development of an on-going working pedagogy, recognizing the need for dialogue and interaction with both theory and practice; and Inclusion, Equal Opportunities, Assessment and ICT that included throughout with recognition of the importance of digital literacies. This is an essential book for English student teachers on flexible, graduate registered training schemes and traditional PGCE programmes. It is an essential resource guide for their tutors, for practising English teachers who want to update their skills, and for those doing Continuing Professional Development Diplomas, Masters Level work or PhDs.
Praise for the previous edition: 'This is a text that should accompany every student teacher of English and find its way on to the shelf of all practising teachers. This book excited me. It is written in a style that makes you want to try out activities and take up challenges. This book will encourage the student teacher to embrace the subject of English along with its associated values and debates' - ESCalate. 'If I was training to teach English today, this is the book I would want - an extraordinarily professional handbook of good practice ' - Geoff Barton, Times Educational Supplement, Teacher Magazine . This essential companion for aspiring secondary English teachers has been extensively reworked to help students meet the very latest professional and academic standards, while also equipping them with the knowledge and skills they will need for the beginning of their teaching career. Focusing on the essentials needed to be a successful English teacher, the authors combine subject knowledge with ideas, examples and approaches for creating an effective, vibrant learning environment, and real examples of lesson plans and schemes of work.
Each chapter clearly links practice to theoretical and critical perspectives on teaching, making this an ideal text for students working towards M-level credits or a Masters in Teaching and Learning. There are also brand new chapters which explore in greater depth specific areas of contention and challenging issues, including: diversities, including global perspectives on teaching English; the application and implications of using ICT; multi-agency provision in personalising learning; research methodologies; and transition from the training year and the first year as a teacher. The latest requirements for Qualified Teacher Status are clearly signposted throughout, and activities at the end of each chapter help to reinforce knowledge and encourage reflection. Written by a team of highly respected authors, this new edition should be on every secondary English student's bookshelf.