by Christine Craggs - Hinton (Author)
An estimated five million other varicose vein sufferers in Britain have varicose veins. Unsightly, uncomfortable and often painful, these cause a great deal of distress and up until now treatment has been limited. However, the good news is that varicose veins can now be treated via minimally invasive techniques such as endovenous radiofrequency ablation (RFA), sclerotherapy and endovenous laser therapy. This book looks at how and why varicose veins arise, and what can be done both in terms of self-help and medical treatment.Subjects covered in this book include: causes and risk factors - obesity, chronic cough, chronic constipation, thrombophlebitis; complications and links to other conditions - kidney disease, deep vein thrombosis; pregnancy; treatment - surgery; treatment - modern, minimally invasive procedures; maintaining a healthy weight and sensible diet, including fibre and fresh produce; the importance of regular exercise; what to avoid - ie sitting or standing for long periods, tight clothing; and, myths.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
Publisher: SPCK
Published: 01 Jan 2008
ISBN 10: 184709015X
ISBN 13: 9781847090157