Digital imaging is no longer the province of the enthusiast or dedicated amateur. By end 2004, according to market estimates, the installed base of digital cameras worldwide reached over 200 million. Moreover, millions of people now make use of digital cameras built into mobile phones, producing countless images each year. Complete Digital Photography caters to a need not met by existing books, addressing the general public or lay person who simply wants to do a few basic things with their digital images. They do not expect to become skilled photographers, they do not aspire to semi-professional status, they do not want to work hard. They want to have fun, want to learn how to use their 'toys' only well enough to create satisfying images to give to friends. But they may well be bitten by the nature of the medium and wish to go a little further. Complete Digital Photography aims to inspire such readers and to provide hints and encouragement, without going into too much off-putting detail.
Digital imaging is no longer the province of the enthusiast or the dedicated amateur. By end of 2004, according to market estimates, the installed base of digital cameras worldwide reached over 200 million. Moreover, millions of people now make use of digital cameras built into mobile phones, producing countless images each year. Complete Digital Photography caters to a need not met by existing books, addressing the general public or laypersons who simply want to do a few basic things with their digital images. They do not expect to become skilled photographers, they do not aspire semi-professional status, and they do not want to work hard. They want to have fun, want to learn how to use their 'toys' only well enough to create satisfying images to give to friends. But they may well be bitten by the nature of the medium and wish to go a little further. Complete Digital Photography aims to inspire such readers and to provide hints and encouragement, without going into too much off-putting detail.