RUN: for HEALTH for FUN for FITNESS for WEIGHT LOSS for ENERGY for SANITY for HAPPINESS for BALANCE for ADVENTURE for CONFIDENCE for YOU Stuck on the treadmill? Keen to start running, but don't know where to begin, or how you'll find the time? Perhaps you're already a runner but injury - or boredom - keeps stopping you in your tracks. If any of these scenarios sound familiar, then this book is for you. Why? Because it is written for real women: women with jobs, families, social lives, chores and other hobbies to fit in, as well as running. If you are looking for punishing weekly training schedules, gruelling diets and 'race pace' charts, you won't find them here - what you will find are the tools you need to create a personal running programme that fits into your life. Backed by scientific research, expert advice and the experiences of female runners of all levels of ability, you'll learn how to stay motivated, you'll find out about eating and drinking for energy, you'll get the truth about stretching, you'll discover why so many runners get injured, and how you can avoid it.
You'll find out about running through every stage of life, and how to keep your programme balanced, realistic and challenging but, above all, fun. Whether you are just starting out or you're already hooked, this indispensable book will provide you with the information, advice and inspiration you need to become the runner you want to be. And still have a life. 'Runners enjoy longer, healthier lives and are far less likely to die of cancer or heart disease, says a study. They are also less likely to get arthritis. Researchers found aerobic exercise improved life expectancy and staved off disability in old age. The 13-year American study involved 370 running club members and 249 non-runners, all aged over 50. Runners retained their flexibility nine years longer and were three times less likely to die during the study.'