This book is about deciding what you want and identifying the least labour-intensive way of achieving it. Back-breaking digging may not be necessary. Plan before you proceed and you can use nature and commonsense to garden throughout the seasons. * You can have show quality fruit and veg, or you can have smaller crops and less perfect fruit. * You can have a bowling-green lawn or somewhere less perfect for the children to play. Allow sweeping curves and less edging. * Rich ecological systems with wildlife interest prevent laborious work in spraying crops with pesticides for effective fruiting. Organised to cope with both the tiny backyard as well as the quarter acre of land, this book is divided into chapters on LABOUR-SAVING TECHNIQUES, MOWING, WEED CONTROL, DIGGING, HOUSE PLANTS, THE FLOWER GARDEN, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, WILDLIFE AND LESS HARD WORK THROUGHOUT THE YEAR.