by RashidKhalidi (Author), Mahmood Mamdani (Author), EliasKhoury (Author), Muge Gursoy Sokmen (Editor), JosephMassad (Author), Akeel Bilgrami (Author), HarryHarootunian (Author), SareeMakdisi (Author), TimothyBrennan (Author), Basak Ertur (Editor)
In engaging with the richly varied and seminal scholarship of Edward Said, Waiting for the Barbarians aims to recover the notion of culture as a collective, hybrid and plural experience, in light of the political imperative that rules our present. In bringing together some of the figures most closely associated with Said and his scholarship, this comprehensive volume looks at Said, the literary critic and public intellectual, Palestine, and Said's intellectual legacy: the future through the lens of his work.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 204
Publisher: Verso Books
Published: 02 Jun 2008
ISBN 10: 1844672468
ISBN 13: 9781844672462
A frequently interesting collection of essays. --College Literature
Saree Makdisi is a professor of English and comparative literature at UCLA. He lives in Los Angeles, California.
Mahmood Mamdani is Herbert Lehman Professor of Government, and a member of the Departments of Anthropology and Political Science and the School of Public and International Affairs at Columbia University. His previous books include Good Muslim, Bad Muslim, Citizen and Subject, and When Victims Become Killers. From Kampala, Uganda, he now divides his time between New York and Kampala.
Ilan Pappe is Professor of History at the University of Exeter. His many books include The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and, most recently, Gaza in Crisis (with Noam Chomsky). He writes for, among others, the Guardian and the London Review of Books.
Jacqueline Rose is Professor of English at Queen Mary University of London. Her books include Sexuality in the Field of Vision; The Question of Zion ; and the novel Albertine.