Organisations such as the PROMIS Recovery Centre and the Betty Ford Clinic in the US are now well-known names in the treatment of every form of addiction, and while the attempts by celebrities such as Pete Doherty, Russell Brand and Elton John to kick their addictive habits have all made the headlines, they have also made us more aware of the prevalence of addiction in modern life. Addicts do not only abuse alcohol and drugs, they can find themselves hooked to a variety of substances and activities ranging from exercise and food to gambling and sex. More and more people are becoming shopaholics using the purchasing of merchandise not just as 'retail therapy', but as a way to get that all-important high; this addiction often results in thousands of pounds of debt.Even when treatment is given, the grip of addiction is strong: it has recently been reported that 40 per cent of people given methadone prescriptions continue to take heroin on a daily basis. Written by Dr Robert Lefever, the founding director of the PROMIS Recovery Centre, this book explains the roots of addiction, how to recognize the signs and the treatments available.
Whether you suspect that you may have a problem or are a friend or relative of someone who has, Break Free from Addiction offers invaluable, up-to-date information and advice.