Yoga is practised in a variety of forms, but most people only know about one or two. You may feel that traditional yoga is too unenergetic, or that astanga would be too physically testing for you, but be unaware of the alternatives. You may also feel that your life is too busy already to be able to fit in hours of yoga practice a day, or that you cannot get time away from the home or children to practise yoga by yourself. You may even feel that you are too old to take up a new form of exercise. Even if you already practise one form of yoga, you may need to find an alternative, due to ill-health or a change in your lifestyle. Yoga for Life will help readers decide which form of yoga is most appropriate for them, presenting the different forms in a clear, accessible way and showing the basic postures and movements of each form. The five main forms of yoga practised in the west are covered: Astanga, Iyengar. Viniyoga, Sivananda and Tantra. Each section includes real case studies of various people who practise the form, showing how they combine their yoga practice with their work and home life, and how yoga has transformed their lives.
Each of these case studies will help to show how different forms of yoga can work for different kinds of people. There will also be comments from celebrity yoga practitioners, pictures of classes in progress, key benefits of each form and interviews with leading teachers. Whatever your age or lifestyle, Yoga for Life will help you find and learn the form of yoga that will work for you