Media Reviews
Euthanasia and Law in Europe addresses each country individually, providing a helpful background on each's health care system and a historical context for that country's approach to euthanasia...[The] real-world incidents supply some of the most interesting and instructional reading in the book and may be fascinating to those who live in countries where such actions are not only illegal but in many instances viewed as unethical or immoral by large swaths of the population...the authors have written a comprehensive account of euthanasia and current law in Europe that will provide any reader with a solid understanding of the subject. Alan G. Williams, JD JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association 2008;300(14) If you want to know everything about euthanasia law in Europe, consult Euthanasia and law in Europe. Joost Visser Medisch Contact Volume number 63, 1 August 2008 (nr. 31-32) ...for those interested in euthanasia and end-of-life decisions, this is a comprehensive and interesting book. Christof Muller-Busch European Journal of Palliative Care Vol 15:6, 2008 I was very impressed by the thorough analysis of Parts I-III...provides a comprehensive analysis of the euthanasia law in Europe... Fabrice Jotterand HEC Forum (2009) 21 (1): 107-111 This comprehensive overview volume on the legal regulation and practice of mercy killing in Europe, has three outstanding characteristics: First it offers unique and detailed views of the reality of mercy killing in the Netherlands and Belgium. Secondly, these two detailed contributions are supported by short empirical reports from England, France, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain and Switzerland. Even if I the basic position of the main authors, maintaining the illegality of medical killing on demand or from compassion, remains highly problematic, this volume is greatly enriching and is much recommended. Markus Zimmermann-Acklin Bioethica Forum Volume 1, Number 2, December 2008 Euthanasia and Law in Europe is a book of real weight - it is superbly researched, consummately serious, and resolutely unbiased. For these reasons, it is an extraordinarily valuable book, and even though it is about European law and practice, its value is not limited to European readers. It also serves as a model of dispassionate discussion for readers elsewhere, including the United States...The book is dense with information about legal, medical, and ethical issues, and heroic attention is given to minute detail...the book is eminently readable, a definitive account of euthanasia practices, and a model for accounts that might be made of similar practices elsewhere. Margaret P. Battin The New England Journal of Medicine 360;18, 30th April 2009 ...offers a thorough description of the current situation in Europe as to the [Medical Behaviour that Potentially Shortens Life]. It deserves to be read on all kinds of levels, surely including the Vatican one. Ton Vink Filosofie & Praktijk Vol 30, No 1 (2009) Part 1 of the book is crucial reading for those who wish to fully comprehend the current requirements for lawful euthanasia and other MBPSL in the Netherlands and the broader societal context in which these requirements exist...[this] book contains a wealth of valuable information and will undoubtedly be utilised as a 'one-stop' resource for those seeking to discover more about the way in which the Netherlands, Belgium and other European countries have dealt with the thorny issue of euthanasia and other MBPSL. As a study in comparative law, this book is undoubtedly a success. It will certainly encourage other researchers to further analyse the material it presents and engage in the thematic questions the authors raise. Suzanne Ost Medical Law Review The material is presented in a serious, instructive style with factual information accompanied by applicable public policy considerations. Journal of the Commonwealth Lawyers' Association Vol. 17, No. 3, December 08 This highly impressive work is both a successor to and expansion of the subject matter of Griffiths' and Weyers' earlier Euthanasia and Law in the Netherlands (1998)...One can but hope that the debates to follow are informed by sources as painstakingly researched and cogently argued as this book... Colin Gavaghan The Edinburgh Law Review Vol 13, Issue 2, May 2009 It is almost unbelievably thorough, and each and every detail is documented. Good and thought provoking chapters address the difficult reflections that spring to mind in this field. Peter F. Hjort (translated by L.J. Materstvedt) Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforen 128: 2357-8 (2008) The scientific clarity of the definitions provided makes possible the terminological and conceptual clarification that is essential if one wants to deal with such matters in a serene and unambiguous way. Written in simple and flowing English, not at all technical or erudite, the book will be a useful source both for the legal specialist and for the physician, for the sociologist or the journalist, as well as any person who wishes to have a 360-degree look at such complex issues. Chiara Tamburini (Translated by Graciela Nowenstein) Rivista Italiana di Diritto e Procedura Penale Volume 52, nr 2, April-June 2009 Euthanasia and Law in Europe ... is the definitive book that unpacks existing data on euthanasia, assisted suicide and other medical behaviours that potentially shorten life This book ... offers the most even-handed and meticulous examination of practices around end-of-life that I have seen on the topic. It is a must read for anyone interested in learning more about the history, development, and current policies at the end of life in Europe Frances Norwood Professorial Lecturer, George Washington University Review on Amazon. November 4th 2009 a valuable and up-to-date resource for serious students of the European experiment with euthanasia and assisted suicide. Robert Orr Ethics and Medicine Fall 2009