Ministry Rediscovered: Shaping a Unique and Creative Church

Ministry Rediscovered: Shaping a Unique and Creative Church

by Mike Starkey (Author)


In this book Mike Starkey sets out a compelling vision for how local church ministry can involve a call to creative thinking, to stepping 'outside the box', rather than labouring to work with standard assumptions about congregational growth and models of what constitutes success. Drawing on his own experiences and insights from a wide range of contexts, from inner city to rural, he offers challenge, guidance and encouragement for all those answering the demanding - and at times exhilarating - call to serve the Church. From the author: 'The question underlying this book is: What if we were to see the role of church leader not so much as the guardian of a tradition or formula, but as an explorer, a creative person who takes people on a journey of discovery and opens up fresh possibilities? The explorer is somebody who heads off on a journey with others, for the sheer excitement of travelling and the wonder of arriving at new places not seen before. How can this sort of leader possibly know in advance precisely what the journey will look like or where it will take them?' 'The book has been born, in part, out of frustration at the dominance of standardised models of successful church leadership on offer in theological colleges, books, conferences and courses, and in the minds of many church leaders themselves. So, in a sense, this is a very personal journey. It is made all the more personal because this is the sort of book I wish somebody had given me as I started out in my first parish. In all these years, nobody else has written that book, so I decided it was time to have a go myself.' 'Nevertheless, I aspire to be more than Narcissus gazing at his own reflection in a pool. I hope the book will connect with people from a broad range of church traditions, and with a number of important wider conversations in today's church.'


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More Information

Format: Paperback
Pages: 184
Publisher: BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship)
Published: 21 Oct 2011

ISBN 10: 1841016160
ISBN 13: 9781841016160
Book Overview: A book to inspire present and future church leaders to think 'outside the box' and model creativity as a key aspect of leadership. Nothing else presently available on creative church leadership from a UK perspective.

Media Reviews
His encouraging and liberating message is that, if you want to be a church leader, you don't take your line from other leaders, however eminent or 'successful', but instead learn to listen to God carefully and get to know your people deeply. Canon Tom Smail Amid the plethora of books on what makes successful churches, at last one that urges us to celebrate the uniqueness, as well as the messiness, of our own backyard. For anyone tired of church growth manuals Ministry Rediscovered will come as a great relief. The Revd Dr Ian Stackhouse, Senior Pastor of Millmead, Guildford Baptist Church In a world of quick-fit solutions and a pressure to get things right Ministry Rediscovered offers us a vision of a church that is creative, courageous and comfortable with itself. The Revd Dr Bob Mayo, co-author The Faith of Generation Y 'A really good read - thoughtful, provocative, pastoral, engaging, challenging, stimulating and much more.' Chris Skilton, Archdeacon of Lambeth From Arrow Reloaded, CPAS January 2012 Arrow grad Mike Starkey offers us an excellent reflection on the nature of church leadership drawing on his experiences of leading in four different churches. For those of you who haven't read any of Mike's previous books (Born to Shop, Fashion and Style, Restoring the Wonder) you have missed a treat. Beautifully written, thoughtfully provocative, and engagingly entertaining, Mike grapples with how to lead appropriately in a way which avoids the 'cloning' of churches. Drawing inspiration from Donovan, Roxburgh and others he offers a great critique of the contemporary understanding of 'pastoral' ministry, argues for glorious creativity in leadership, suggests leaders focus on eight-way attentiveness, and reworks vision. This book stirred me to think about things from new angles. I think it might do the same for you. Why not get hold of a copy and see what you think. It may also be a great book to share with some key people and then have a chat about the issues it raises. MIKE STARKEY's basic contention is that top-down prescriptions for church growth are misplaced, and his book 'has been born, in part, out of frustration at the standardised models of successful church leadership'. The approach to ministry he advocates is 'creative, unique, locally specific', and is highlighted by the book's Spanish epigraph: 'Traveller, there is no road; the road is made by walking.' Starkey writes in an engaging and personal way, and confessedly as a recovering church-growth enthusiast. From the Church Times From The Diocese of Hereford Newspaper - Summer 2012 The easy to read but thoughtful book draws on the experience of Rev. Mike Starkey as a parish priest in the London area. Although this might seem to be of little relevance to our mainly rural diocese, his analysis and insight are very helpful for our current situation. After looking at church structures and ethos, Mike makes an important statement that we are called to a particular church (or churches) in a particular time in a particular community and all the systems in the world won't change it. So to be true in mission and hearing God's call where we are, we need to listen and respond with grace and endeavour, not expecting great change but to be on a gradually evolving path that takes the minister and the congregations deeper into God. A great help when thinking about mission in your own parish or parishes. Reviewed by Mark Johnson
Author Bio
Mike Starkey is an Anglican vicar, based in a growing church in Twickenham, west London. He previously worked in inner city north London for five years, and before that was involved in setting up the Grace alternative worship community in west London. Among other publications, he has also written: What's Wrong (BRF, 2001), Restoring the Wonder (SPCK, 1999) and God, Sex and Generation X (SPCK, 1997). He spent some time as a columnist for Christian Herald and made regular guest appearances on Premier Radio.