This superb collection of recipes for meatless meals is conclusive proof of just how tasty a vegetarian diet can be. There are dishes for all occasions, from mid-week family suppers to dinner parties. Whether you are a new or long-standing vegetarian and whether you are a beginner or an experienced cook, you will find a wealth of ideas for healthy, well-balanced and, above all, delicious meatless meals. Light Lunches suggests dishes that are quick and easy to prepare, such as sweetcorn pancakes and tomato risotto. Mid-week Meals features a range of traditional dishes as well as some innovative ideas, from Middle Eastern vegetable stew to cauliflower with three cheeses. The recipes in Dinner Party Dishes aim to impress both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Why not try golden vegetable paella, spinach roulade with mushrooms, or wild rice with grilled vegetables next time you invite friends to dinner? Side Dishes and Salads contains accompaniments to all sort of vegetarian main courses - Bombay spiced potatoes, parsnips with almonds, spinach and beetroot salads, and Chinese crispy seaweed.