by David Nolan (Author)
Tell The Truth and Shame The Devil tells the inside story of the biggest historic sex abuse case ever mounted by Greater Manchester Police - the investigation into the systematic abuse of boys at St Ambrose College in Hale Barns by chemistry teacher and church deacon Alan Morris. Author David Nolan was one of Morris's victims and was given unprecedented access to detectives investigating the case. Nolan was there every step of the way, not only experiencing the brutal regime of the school in the 1970s but also seeing every twist and turn of the case unfold at first hand. He's even given the opportunity to confront Morris 35 years on from his abusive reign at the school. Will he take it? Jimmy Savile...Rolf Harris...the Westminster sex abuse conspiracy...newspaper headlines have been crammed with historic abuse cases. But what really goes on inside such an investigation? How do officers deal with the raw emotions of the victims - not to mention their own revulsion at the crimes? Especially when they uncover a darker secret at the school - stories of even more horrific abuse that have remained hidden for decades.David Nolan takes you on a journey inside the dark heart of an historic abuse case - there's never been a real-life crime story like it.
Format: paperback
Publisher: John Blake
ISBN 10: 1784184225
ISBN 13: 9781784184223