by Martine Murray (Author)
Hello everybody, it's me, Henrietta (future Queen of the Wide Wide Long Cool Coast of the Lost Socks), and my brother Albert, who dribbles and dribbles (but he can't help it), and my best friend Olive Higgie (who has been known to eat pickles). And we've got an EMERGENCY DILEMMA to attend to. We absolutely have to find a home for the Rietta because it's lost and its spots are fading...Henrietta's books are full of funny thoughts and adventures. They're perfect for young children and anyone else with a curly imagination...Henrietta there's no one better..Henrietta the great go-getter..Henrietta gets a letter
Format: Paperback
Pages: 96
Publisher: Allen & Unwin Australia
Published: 20 Jul 2010
ISBN 10: 174175450X
ISBN 13: 9781741754506