Jazz up your pages!Get ready to infuse your scrapbook layouts with messy, sparkly, snazzy and exciting new techniques. Go beyond the usual-experiment with art supplies, try unfamiliar tools, go wild and have fun. With Scraptastic! you can take your projects to the next level using innovative ideas for creating playful and artistic pages. Inside you will find 50 illustrated techniques for jazzing up your layouts. Step-by-step photos, complete supply lists and easy-to-follow instructions show you exactly how to create each surprisingly easy project. Plus, you'll find helpful tips and tricks for creating cards as well as getting the most out of your supplies.Grab your tools and try:watercolorgolf leafingstampingembroideryhand-cut letteringpaper piecingbeadingcollagequiltingand more!Whether you're an art novice or design veteran, let Scraptastic! be your guide to discovering the messy, sparkly, touchy-feely, snazzy world of scrapbooking.