How much do cat owners really know about their feline friends? Do our pampered pets truly want all that food and affection or is that insistent miaow trying to communicate something more complex? Many cats and their owners co-exist in an atmosphere of polite misunderstanding, with each party blissfully unaware of the wishes of the other. The cat 'says' one thing and the owner hears another, but somehow it works, Until, that is, something goes wrong. Renowned cat counsellor Vicky Halls has helped hundreds of owners and their problem cats. Why do they soil in the house, fight with next door's cat, behave aggressively towards people or pull out their own fur? CAT CONFIDENTIAL answers these questions and many more, and will enable all cat owners to reach a far better understanding with their feline companions. Fascinating, funny, heart-warming and occasionally tear-jerking, CAT CONFIDENTIAL explores the hidden workings of the unique bond that people have with their cats. In a book filled with case studies, amazing facts, amusing anecdotes and practical advice, Vicky Halls has finally revealed the innermost secrets of the feline psyche.
How much do cat owners really know about their feline friends? Do our pampered pets truly want all that food and affection or is that insistent miaow trying to communicate something more complex? Many cats and their owners co-exist in an atmosphere of polite misunderstanding, with each party blissfully unaware of the wishes of the other. The cat 'says' one thing and the owner hears another, but somehow it works. Until, that is, something goes wrong ...Renowned cat counsellor Vicky Halls has helped hundreds of owners and their problem cats. Why do they soil in the house, fight with next door's cat, behave aggressively towards people or pull out their own fur? Cat Confidential answers these questions and many more, and will enable all cat owners to reach a fat better understanding with their feline companions. Fascinating, funny, heart-warming and occasionally tear-jerking, Cat Confidential explores the hidden workings of the unique bond that people have with their cats. In a book filled with case studies, amazing facts, amusing anecdotes and practical advice, Vicky Halls has finally revealed the innermost secrets of the feline psyche.