Ash Lamy is one of few humans surviving in a world ruled by android Selenoids, created by the Goddess Leave. As Ash kills a high-ranking Selenoid, he is captured by Shee Viona, bodyguard to Mother Seishia, one of the four Mothers that rules the Earth under Leave. While captured, he encounters a Selenoid named Lemiu Winslet who feels some sort of connection to Ash and is nice to him because of it. Knowing Ash's strong fighting ability from his pure blood, Shee spares Ash's life and Ash gains audience with Mother Seishia. Seishia attempts to fuse with Ash (probably to gain his knowledge, but that isn't clearly stated) but reacts violently, calling Ash and humanity a virus that must be destroyed. As some of Ash's comrades from Re-O-the Revolution Organization bent on freeing earth from the Selenoid's rule- arrive, Seishia goes berserk, launching off missiles to eliminate the viruses but at the same time destroying the palace and all the Selenoid children in the process of being created/born. Lemiu, while mourning the children, is almost killed, but is saved by Ash who does so instead of leaving with his comrades. Determined to learn more about Ash and the connection she feels with him, Lemiu leaves with Ash as he sets out to rendevous with Re-O.