Pioneered by former PR guru Lynne Franks, SEED (Sustainable Enterprise and Empowerment Dynamics) encourages a new style of business for the 21st century. The SEED Handbook is a unique 10-week programme to encourage people to tap into their entrepreneurial spirit. Lynne Franks combines a pragmatic, practical approach to starting a business together with a more spiritual and values-led philosophy -- what she calls 'The Feminine Way' to do business. Starting your own business is a daunting task, but through the SEED programme Lynne offers essential advice to help you embark on a business path. The goal is to create marketable, viable and potentially sustainable businesses in the global marketplace. SEED is a unique, illustrated guidebook aimed primarily at women, which cuts through business jargon and aims to bring equality through economic empowerment. Lynne says: 'There is a revolution going on in the world...of the sustainable entrepreneurs, mainly women, and it's about personal growth as well as an economic tool.' The SEED Handbook contains inspiring stories, as well as information from learning to surf the Net to creating positive energy with feng shui, from dealing with your bank manager to designing your company logo, Lynne believes that everyone has a potential entrepreneur inside them and The SEED Handbook shows you the way.